Institute of Bioengineering

The conference “Three Pillars of Circular Bioeconomy: Talent, R&D, and Technologies”

It was jointly organized by University of Tartu EU H2020 project ERA Chair in Gas Fermentation Technologies, Enterprise Estonia’s Programme for Applied Research (EAS) and Metrosert’s Applied Research Division. 

On the first day 12.02.24 there was the conference “Sustainable feedstocks and technologies for circular bioeconomy”. The second day included the seminar “Educating, training, and recruiting talents for circular bioeconomy” and the workshop session “Commercialise and advance your R&D for circular bioeconomy”.

The conference focused on sustainable feedstocks and technologies in light of the ambitions of the Green Deal and activities in Estonia in establishing an applied research centre and supporting DeepTech innovations. The seminar covered various aspects of current and future talents who are essential for the transition to circular economy while the workshops across four topics aimed to advance the knowledge and skills of both starting and senior entrepreneurs, scientists, and policy makers.

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Bioconnect meeting in Riga group photo

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