Osale Tartu Ülikooli virtuaalsel lahtiste uste päeval, kus tutvustame ülikooli, vastuvõtu- ja kandideerimistingimusi, Tartu üliõpilaselu ning anname õppekavade kohta täpsemat infot.
In November, Science & Technology Bachelor's program and University of Tartu representatives took part in the annual Education Fair STUDIA in Helsinki, Finland.
In November, the kick-off meeting of the International Erasmus Mundus double degree master's program International Master in Innovative Medicine (IMIM) took place in Groningen, Netherlands.
Kas oled bakalaureuse- või magistriõppe üliõpilane, kes alustab lõputöö kirjutamist või juba teeb seda? Kas soovid arendada oma kirjutamisoskust ja tunda end tööd koostades enesekindlamalt?
Vice Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Co-Coordinator of DigiBio project Ilona Faustova, Director of Estonian Biofoundry Vallo Varik visited Copenhagen, Denmark
Members of the BIOCONNECT consortium reviewed the project’s progress and engaged in a collaborative workshop aimed at refining and shaping an actionable strategy during the meeting in Riga, Latvia
Estonia Biofoundry attended the Annual Global Biofoundry Alliance Meeting 2024 (GBA2024) on the 10th till 12th of October at the Daejeon Convention Centre in the Republic of Korea.
Representatives of Estonian universities and Estonian Research Council met with representatives of Japan to discuss research cooperation in the field of Bioengineering and Biotechnology in Tokyo.
Delegation of the Republic of Estonia visited the Kyoto University to meet the President and Vice President along with other representatives of the Kyoto University to discuss potential collaboration.