Institute of Bioengineering

Bioconnect meeting in Riga

Members of the BIOCONNECT consortium reviewed the project’s progress and engaged in a collaborative workshop aimed at refining and shaping an actionable strategy during the meeting on the 2nd of October in Riga, Latvia. Vice Director of the Institute of Bioengineering Ilona Faustova and Artemi Maljavin took part in the meeting from the side of the Estonian Centre for Biosustainability. 

Bioconnect meeting

During the meeting, six critical points for a successful biotech innovation ecosystem were reassured:

  • Talent development
  • World-class infrastructure
  • Supportive policy frameworks
  • Robust R&D capabilities
  • Sustainable funding Public education and engagement

We would like to thank  RTU Science and Innovation Centre for hosting the event.

Bioconnect meeting group photo


group phot of Bioconnect meeting




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