asFermTEC and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) organised the third seminar titled “Kliimaärevus ja kestliku arengu keerukus” (in English, “Climate anxiety and complexity with sustainable progress”)
GasFermTEC and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) organised the fourth seminar titled “Taimede biotehnoloogia ja kestlik põllumajandus” (in English, “Plant biotechnology and sustainable agriculture”).
Scientists from the University of Tartu have developed a vaccine against a dangerous tropical disease, which has received approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration
GasFermTEC and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) organised the fifth seminar titled “Jäätmete väärindamise tulevik” (in English, “Future of waste valorisation”).
Prof. Mart Loog presented our latest findings on the mechanism of yeast pheromone pathway at the Cold Spring Harbour Asia meeting “Yeast and Life Sciences”, in Matsue, Japan.
Prof. Mart Loog, Director of the newly formed Institute of Bioengineering, discussed what is bioengineering and synthetic biology, why he believes it is the next industrial revolution of the 21st century, and what is the position of Estonia in this new “gold rush”.