GasFermTEC and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) organised the fourth seminar titled “Taimede biotehnoloogia ja kestlik põllumajandus” (in English, “Plant biotechnology and sustainable agriculture”) of the seminar series “Ringmajandus ja kestlikud tehnoloogiad” (in English, “Circular economy and sustainable technologies”) on the 5th of October in Tartu at V Spa Conference Center within the event Tartu Ettevõtlusnädal. The seminar series introduces sustainable technologies relevant for circular economies and associated socio-economic factors.
The fourth seminar featured presentations by Hannes Kollist from the University of Tartu and Liina Jakobson from The Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) on the current applications and future potential of plant genetic engineering and precision breeding while Ahti Kalde from OÜ Sadala Agro introduced concepts and practices in sustainable agriculture. In addition, policy makers Argo Peepson from the Ministry of Rural Affairs introduced Estonia’s plans in circular bioeconomy and Triin Sellis from the Ministry of Climate described the proposal for novel EU regulations in terms of plants obtained by genomic techniques. The talks were followed by a panel discussion on how to successfully grow crops in Estonia in a decade within the changing climate. The panellists included the speakers and the lead organiser of the seminar series GasFermTEC ERA Chair holder Kaspar Valgepea. More info about the seminar here.
The next seminar of the series will cover waste valorisation technologies, covering technologies that have been commercialised and that are being developed in the lab as well as policies related to waste management in Estonia. It will be held within the international greentech and sustainability event NEXPO Tallinn on the 16th of November.