Marko Söönurm

Bioinseneeria instituut

The goal of the new institute is to provide all possible support to researchers who are driven by curiosity and passionate about their own scientific ideas. We need to recruit more such scientists, allow them to take risks and protect their freedom of thought because free-thinking, curiosity-driven research is the basis of humanity’s all great innovative breakthroughs.

Prof. Mart Loog

Director of the Institute of Bioengineering


Instutute of Bioengineering was established in 2023 and began operating from the 1st of January, 2024.

Currently, 4 research groups joined the newly formed institute:

  • Prof. Mart Loog’s Lab
  • Prof. Andres Merits’ Lab
  • Prof. Hannes Kollist Lab
  • Assoc. Prof. Kaspar Valgepea Lab
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